Monday, May 23, 2016

Bangkok in 5 Days

Today's song is: Bridge Over Troubled Water .. Elvis

The Honda motorbike had a flat rear tire and it looked like it should be replaced so Thavorn pushed it a kilometer to the local tire guy and 600 baht later the new tire was installed. That is less than $25 CDN (including the price of the new tire). You have to love Thai women. I don't know any farang women who would push the bike a kilometer, never mind get the tire changed  .. that's a dick job in their minds :-)

I have been doing a week's worth of programming starting to rewrite one of our Flash apps to JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5. So far so good, but it is mostly just monkey work and extremely boring. Normally I would fortify myself with a keg of red wine or a bottle of Scotch but since I am on a diet I have been grunting it out. Certainly not a task for a seasoned programmer such as I :-)

I think Thavorn will move her 2 older children into our air-conditioned man cave while I am in Canada and it has been quite hot and they have been snuggling up to the door to catch any cold air that escapes.  I guess Jabba and Lot will just end up sweating out out by themselves. That is if they are still talking but they had a fight last night and Jabba uttered the Thai equivalent of WTF when Lot called her a buffalo. I thought, maybe that was a term of endearment, aptly descriptive, but what do I know :-)

I have been taking a walk around the village and most of them treat garbage like Thavorn's family. The next door neighbour had some broken glass and glass does not burn so they just moved it to the no man's land on the edge of the property.  Pic:

My internet connection is a little slower today for some reason. It is usually twice this.

Still not bad for the middle of nowhere. I get 20 GB of downloads a month and then it gets throttled back but is still useful for a lot of things. 

I am now waffling about going back to Bangkok a day early. I may opt for my original departure of May 29th  .. but then again ...


1 comment:

  1. You will probably find that everyone moves into your man cave when you are gone!! Lol
