Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sleepy Sunday Afternoon

Today's song is: Woodstock by Crosby, Stills, and Nash  ..  why? Still coolest happening yet.

Quiet day for reflection today. Yesterday we met up with an American at Rumors Bar and he insisted on buying drinks for us so we had a few vodka and orange juices  ... perhaps one too many.

Today I am waiting for Jaidan to fall asleep for his daily nap and when he wakes up I plan to head back to Rumors for a bit of the tail that bit us. That should be around 4 pm and then I am meeting up at Denny's (not the USA Dennys but a have a beer and chat with a lady bar) on the ground floor of the Holiday Inn building. I doubt if it has any association with the Holiday Inn chain other than renting some retail space.

Denny's used to have some real ambiance when it was located on Soi 22 across from the Regent Hotel but it was demolished to make way for another condo/shopping center complex. The new Dennys is still trying to establish a new identity but apart from the great roasted salted peanuts that arrive with your cold draft, they are still lacking.

This seems to be an ongoing trend as bars with a history and character are being knocked down in the name of urban progress. Perhaps that is why I will take Shaun out for a wild night in PatPong as it is and was the original naughty bar area in Bangkok. It is important to grab a slice of history while you still can.  Two more sleeps and Shaun arrives. He is catching a taxi to the aforementioned Holiday Inn where I will meet him and walk about 50 meters to Rumors bar which is open 24/7. I can only think the owner is well connected for it to stay open all the time.

Stay logged in for the adventures of Jimmy and his wing man Shaun as they explore all the naughty areas of Bangkok over the next week.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can the internet handle tales of your adventures with Shaun? We'll have to see.

  3. 3 days without a posting, hmmmmm, does not harbour feelings of well tidings for the journeymen. Your followers await you, however, not if the tails are too salacious, dude! Please be aware of your audience of family in Canada, England and the US of A. Txs ever so much. Your sibling who is the wisest of the three : )
