Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School

Today's song is: We Don't Need no Education by Roger Waters - Old Fart Edition Live

It is everywhere, back to schools sales, promotions, and newspaper articles. To an ex teacher it is music to my ears. Parents also rejoice at back to school, as once again, someone else is tasked with their entertainment and maintenance.

It is sad that schools have been affected by the politically correct leanings of the day. Gone are the: 'Red Rover, red rover, we call Jimmy over' and 2 up wrestling. Boys are not permitted to make contact in the schoolyard so no tackle football in the fall. Bullying now goes underground via text messages, Facebook postings, and comments uttered just barely audible to the bullied.

It is no wonder that boys no longer excel in schools. One just has to look at the gender stats for university enrollment to see the results of our current system. In many universities they are approaching 70% female enrollment. I like to point out there are 2 conclusions that one can reach about this gender gap at university. Either we males are dumb fucks, or we are being discriminated in the school system. You decide.

My son managed to get to grade 6 before he had a male teacher. He thought he died and gone to heaven. Thank you Glen, for making grade 6 the best year of Jordan's K-6 experience. I would think male role models would be important during the formative years but today's educators don't seem to get that.

Enough of the education rant and onto the weather. I was expecting to get some relief from Bangkok's heat but yesterday the temperature topped 30 degrees for the first day of September. What gives? Maybe there is something to this global warming stuff. Hopefully it will cool down during the next 2 weeks before I head back to Bangkok.

Today is a work day as Brent and I visit the public board of education. I must remember to be at my best PC :-) and not tilt at windmills.



  1. Analysis is always interesting and yes, I know, you will probably make an observation that you can use the numbers to prove any point. However, your charts (see articles you sent me) indicate that the majority of students are in the Arts program. There is no specific breakdown by program, however, engineering and science are likely predominantly male. So my point is that more refined analysis/observation is required. Question: if females are predominantly in the Arts programs and underrepresented in the science and engineering programs, is that systemic discrimination? I think a more relevant question would be how many female and male profs obtain tenure and in what programs? BTW, it's a shame that Jordan never had a male teacher until grade 6 (I had them earlier in my schooling and they were all wonderful as were the females), however, I recall you citing some years ago the fear of false accusations of inappropriate touching as scaring off males from entering the teaching profession, so what should really be the focus of our corrective action?

  2. Take a look at the success stats for male schools and female schools. The genders benefit from gender specific teaching which is impossible in the current system. Perhaps it's time to rethink the public school system and revamp it completely.
