Friday, September 18, 2015

Back in BKK

Today's song is: Stairway to Heaven .. seeing as I am back in the City of Angels ... 
it is an appropriate choice

It's always a long ass flight and I always find the first leg harder on the but. It did not help that Air Canada had not added to its movie selections since I flew out of Canada a month ago. At one time they had a different selection depending on the direction you were heading.

Thai airlines came to the rescue with a better selection of movies and much prettier stewardess'. The food was also better. The only thing Air Canada had going for it was the carbon fiber dream liner which is a very sweet aircraft.

For some reason, I always seem to get seated beside someone who has a bad cold. I just got over the one I caught coming to Canada so I hope the strain coughing and sniffing beside me was the same.

My flight arrived a half hour early and there was virtually no lineup at immigration which was a blessing after a 25 hour journey. I decided to catch the airport link to Makkasan and take a taxi from that station. I never realized how busy the airport link could be. Many commuters use it to get to work as well as get to and from the airport. Lucky for me, Makkasan is a major disembarkation stop and I was able to get off with my suitcase and backpack despite the crowding.

I caught a taxi and was knocking on my condo door 20 minutes later and realized how efficient the Bangkok transit system can be despite the gridlock on the roads.

Thavorn answered the door with Jaidan and a group hug was in order. It about 20 mins for Jaidan to warm up to me and that lasted for about an hour until he became jealous that he had to share Thavorn with someone else. Thavorn looks great and I can understand the jealousy :-)

I lasted about 2 hours and then needed a 2 hour jet lag nap despite 2 coffees. Thavorn had gone out and grabbed some lunch. It consisted of a large barbecued fish and a half a barbecued chicken, complete with sticky rice. All for $7 CDN or 200 Baht. Tasty and inexpensive. Welcome to Bangkok!

Cindy Mar gave Jaidan a basketball uniform for his birthday. I added a size 5 basketball, and unfortunately some yogurt and this is what it looked like.


Tomorrow I will go for a walk and see what has changed in the month I have been gone.



  1. Glad to see that you made it home safe & sound Jim!

  2. Glad to see that you made it home safe & sound Jim!
