Thursday, April 9, 2015

Trepidation and Joy

I was reading an interesting article on children and peanut allergies. Apparently the allergy is developed around 2 years of age and if you expose your baby to peanut butter before 9 months of age they do not develop a peanut allergy later. So, with a little bit of trepidation and a bottle of Benadryl beside me I dipped my finger into the peanut butter and fed a dollop (scientific term) to Jaidan. After about 30 seconds I figured he was safe and he enjoyed a second helping. He seems to really like peanut butter so it will join his favorite snacks ... Kraft's extra sharp cheese, strawberry yogurt, bananas, asparagus, grapes, and bread. Jaidan does get some Heinz baby food from time to time but basically eats whatever Thavorn and I eat. We use a Thai blender to break down the fried pork and chicken, but he handles rice by himself. He can make asparagus disappear quite quickly and likes chewing on peas as well.

I case you are wondering what a Thai blender is, it is momma and poppa's teeth. They work quite well and we may just save the planet by decreasing our electricity use. My sister Ann would be proud of me ... I think ...

Thavorn and I headed out to big C to get some groceries ... Jabba goes through them pretty quickly ... and on a whim I bought 2 inexpensive badminton rackets and 3 shuttle cocks for 250 Baht or about $9 for Dun and Thai with to play with outdoors.  They were excited to get them and immediately departed to play. Thavorn excused herself about 10 minutes later and when I looked outside she was really enjoying herself playing badminton with her children and one of the neighbors kids. Joy does not need a $500 iPhone in Thailand! Turns out Thavorn has always wanted a badminton set but could never afford it.

Momma and daughter at play while neighbor looks on.

I have watched Thavorn stopping and looking at Barbies from time to time so I suspect she has always wanted a Barbie. Someday, I will surprise her and bring one home. The things we take for granted! A child does not need a $2,000 doll collection to make her happy and sometime waiting a couple of decades for something makes it sweeter. I will let you know :-)Thavorn and I went to Terminal 21 Mall to see Fast and Furious 7 (excellent, no dull moments ... 200 Baht) and the mall had another of its display ongoing. Not sure what the theme was this time around but I am looking forward to the Big Bike Show starting April 21.

A very large Hulk

Very large balloons beside the longest escalator (5 floors) that you will see.

I promised some more shots when I am just walking about. Here is the mini mall I get my dental work done at (Dentist trained at UCLA), the local Subway, and the ATM I use all the time because it has a 24 hour security guard to prevent tampering.

Below is the Sportsman .. a great place to play pool (tables are free before 4 pm) and watch games.


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