Friday, April 24, 2015

Making a Difference

I was reading an interesting article about how your life can be judged by the number of people who show up at your funeral. That is indeed an interesting metric but not much of an indicator to the 'living'. I like to think that the 'thank you's' you get as you move through life are a good indication of whether or not you have made a difference.

Some of you may know that I am a partner in a software business with Brent. We create education software that is used by 5 Boards of Education in Ontario, but the biggest user is the Ottawa District School Board. We have a great relationship with this school board despite previously working for the local competitor. I recently received this eMail form one of our key contacts at that Board.

Hi Brent and Jim

I have just been awarded a Director's Citation for 2015 for my work on ePLC.  I share this honour with you both. You have always been there for me, with your guidance, patience and constant support during my crisis, my demanding wish lists even when on holidays or late at night in Malaysia.

Jim - do you remember that first year in first group to register on ePLC was kindergarten teachers...who, they tell me later, are all computer challenged.....

ePLC has come a long way since then and I will be forever grateful to you both.

Thank you for making me look so good!

With gratitude,


I can't begin to express how good this makes me feel!

Ditto for my basketball coaching. I recently cleaned house back in Ottawa and tossed away many trophies and medals my teams had won over the 30 years that I coached basketball. After you win a couple of times it becomes less important and more about player development both as a basketball player and a person.

I encourage all of you to try a make a difference in someone's life ... each and every day ... you never know what a smile and cheerful good morning or 'sawatdi kha' (female) or 'sawatdi khrap' (male) can do to brighten a person's day. Little things can make a diffence :-)


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