Monday, April 20, 2015

Interesting Blog

From time to time I will put up a link to an interesting blog about Thailand.

This blog post is great for anyone thinking about retirement in Thailand.

Here is a snippet from the post:

3. Nature

There are creepy crawlies everywhere in Thailand; some are just sickening, and some will make you really sick. Here is a list of just some of the animals I have found in and around our garden.

  • Cobras (Indian, Spitting, and King)
  • Banded krait and various tree vipers (not all snakes are poisonous but lots are)
  • Pythons (10’ plus is common)
  • Monitor lizards (can administer a nasty, easily infected bite)
  • Mongooses (chickens and ducks beware)
  • Bamboo rat (can weigh up to 4 kilos)
  • Scorpions (the large black kind and the small more dangerous red kind)
  • Centipedes  (painful and poisonous bite)
  • Red weaver ants (very irritating bite)
  • Small red fire ants (tiny, but they swarm, and their bites are excruciating)
  • Cockroaches (the huge flying kind, love to get stuck in your hair)
  • Swarming flying termites (millions come out on a rainy season evening)
  • Stinging Caterpillars (just a brush by one of these feels like a blow torch hit you)

And that’s just my house.

I hope it whets your appetite :-)

Happy reading.

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