Wednesday, January 30, 2019

17 Days to Canada

Today's song is: 2 out of 3  .. Meatloaf

My basketball season ended early today as our last tournament, this Saturday was cancelled. All schools in Bangkok have been shut down due to the pollution problem.

Over 437 schools have been shutdown until Monday. Read the above article for a summary. Hey, the Washington Post is on top of this :-)

The tournament cancellation is unfortunate as it was a fun tournament for us to play everyone and see what we need to improve on for next season. It was also an opportunity to say goodbye to the boys before departing Thailand for 6 months. Our school, being Thai/Chinese will also be closed all next week for Chinese New Year and then my family moves downtown for 3 nights before heading off to Canada.

We have a LINE group and I told the boys to check it weekly for updates and pics of Canada from me.  The internet age is wonderful :-)

That leaves me bored for 5 days so I will head off downtown tomorrow morning and hit the IT mall for an SSD backup drive and a bookstore for some reading.  Perhaps a beer or two at Country Road before heading back to the condo.

I am also spending time getting acquainted with Windows server 2016 and ColdFusion server 2018 as we migrate all our web software from Windows Server 2008 R2 and ColdFusion 2008. Lots to learn as neither of these two products are being supported after this year.  I am also moving our servers from AWS West Virginia to AWS Montreal for privacy law reasons that are stricter in Canada than the US and some of our customers are requesting their data to be hosted in Canada for that same reason.  We don't want Nancy or Donald peeking at our data.

Maybe I shall buy a bottle of Scotch tonight and toast the end of a successful 6 months in Samut Prakan, although I do enjoy living downtown where I could walk to everything.


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