Whoops and Willie
There is so much to like about minimalism, once you wrap your head around it.
Speed bumps probably seemed like a good idea at the time (20 years ago) but in this age of climate change and global warming they are simply stupid and are damaging the environment.
Issac Newton figured this out many years ago:
Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force ..
A vehicle travelling down the road wants to keep going at that speed. Speed bumps force the driver to apply brakes, slowing down the vehicle, thereby turning the kinetic energy into heat energy (warming up the environment). The driver then has to accelerate turning the chemical energy (gas) into kinetic energy, heat, and CO2 to get back up to speed. Multiply this a million times a day over millions of vehicles and think about it.
Why do speed bumps exist. Here in S.E. Asia it is because many people drive like idiots and the police don't seem to want to do anything about it (too hot I guess) so they create speed bumps to slow drivers down. You never see any copy handing out speeding tickets. Not that the average Asian has money to pay for the ticket, or even a licence, or the cops have any way of tracking if it was paid.
Speed bumps are also a hazard to ambulances and fire engines and back home create havoc with snow plows. So what bright light came up with snow plows and how many idiot politicians have voted to adopt their use. They were probably Politically Correct.
I decided to google speed bumps and discovered I am not the first to think of this:
It would appear that perhaps instead if, or besides, looking at electric vehicles and fewer emissions, we should be looking at eliminating speed bumps from around the world. Time to move on. (pun intended).
Minimalism is another area that we should look at. All that stuff we are buying has to be manufactured, transported, and powered. Multiply it by billions of people! Altering people's behaviour is what we need to do to stop global warming! Good luck with that.
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