Sunday, August 14, 2016


Today's song is: If It Makes You Happy .. Sheryl Crow

I went for my morning run and and 7 laps into it when I felt the familiar twinge of a cramp in my left calf muscle. Hoping it would disappear I ran on another 25 steps and then had to walk. From past experience, this was going to take 4 days off my running schedule. Boo hiss.

On a better note, one of Thavorn's friends dropped by to say hello and when I walked out of the house to see who it was she exclaimed, 'Jimmy skinny now!'. It is nice to know that the hard work has paid off, but I am not yet at my university football playing weight of 189 pounds. I was never ale to break 190 back then but have no trouble doing it now, however dipping under 190 is proving elusive, but I will make it.

Shortly before one of Thavorn's lady boy friends dropped by to say hello as well. She/he works down in Pattaya. First chubby lady boy I have met.

Much to my dismay Jaidan if chowing back on fried chicken feet and has already devoured 2 of them. There is no doubt that he is half Thai.

Thavorn and I went to the local market that sets up on the Buddhist temple grounds and bought about 5 kilos of pork. The Thai lady assured us the pic had been butchered just that morning, and indeed, the meat was still warm to the touch, but that may have just been the afternoon sun. The next time I go I will take some pics and post them.

We also obtained some red grapes and the freshest 'Red Delicious' apples that I have obtained in Asia. They rivaled the freshest one I can get in Canada. I wondered where the old Thai man obtained them.  They certainly are not that fresh in the supermarkets of Bangkok.

I am reading some more of Robin Hobbs Fantasy novels (ships series). Thanks to my daughter Jaime for sending me the e-copies as I could not find anything in Bangkok bookstores before I left for teh village. When it comes to browsing the bars or browsing the book stores I am afraid that the bars won out :-)


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