Wednesday, August 24, 2016

House and Cars .. Thailand vs Canada

Today's song is: I Would do Anything for Love .. Meatloaf

The average middle class Canadian lives in a house costing $300K - $600K and has a car costing $30K. They often have a large mortgage on the house and a car loan as well. They get to insure the house at $1,000 a year and then pay another $4,000 in property taxes.

The average Thai person lives in a house that cost $30K and a car or truck that cost $30K. The house is paid for and the car/truck is on a 5-8 year loan. There are no property taxes or house insurance.

What does all that mean? When I was working and raising a family I was what I referred to as house poor. Middle class Canadians often define their socio-economic status by their address and house. The other major expense I had was putting my 2 children through university which cost me $250K.

The average Thai defines their socio-economic status by the car they drive. They are often content to live without air-conditioning or a bigger house. Everyone in the village knows everyone else's business. It seems to be only the vehicle that is strutted about. The bar girl that drives herself back to the village in a nice car or truck is viewed as extremely successful, even if the bank owns most of it.

I am definitely not an average middle class Canadian any longer. I do not own a house or a vehicle and everything I do own fits in one or two suitcases. I am defined by my income which makes me hi-so in Thailand. I daresay I would be in the top 5% of wage earners in Thailand. The closest period in my life that compares is my university days, when I held 2 jobs, owned nothing, owed nothing, but always had money for beer and fun.

However, now that I am in a long term relationship I find myself having to acquire some things again.  The difference is that I can build a very nice house in Thailand for about 75K and the truck and motorcycle (makes me smile) for the same price in Canada. The truck will be a diesel and will last 20 years due to low mileage and no rust. The house, I will build over a 5 year period and it will never have a mortgage.

The reason for acquiring things is to leave Thavorn and Jaidan with some assets when I depart this planet.  The good news is that I can get that done in the next 10 years with perhaps another 10 to sit back and reflect on and enjoy life.


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