Sunday, August 14, 2016

Apple Source Solved

Today's song is: Crossroads  .. Crow, Clapton, Mayer

I ate another delicious apple this morning and this time I read the little sticker affixed to the apple. It appears that these apples came all the way from Washington State USA and sell here in the middle of rural Thailand for 15 baht or about 50 cents each where I would usually pay more for a fresh delicious apple in Canada. Go figure!

Here are a couple of pics where my morning run occurs.

Thavorn, Jaidan and I went into Wichian Buri to open a Thai bank account for myself at the bank with which Thavorn deals. I had checked online and it seemed pretty forward and all I would need is my passport, with my retirement visa and perhaps m address in Thailand. I took along my condo lease just in case, as well as an affidavit from teh Canadian embassy listing my income. As, in all thins Thai, (much like buying a truck) it was not easy and the manager I eventually coerced into talking to me wanted everything under the sun, including a police check from Canada less than 3 months old. Now, I have a police check but it is a couple of years old.

We traveled back to the village and I researched many farang sites and found that there is no rhyme or reason to whether or not you will get a bank account opened and what you will be required to submit as supporting documents. I was correct in needing my passport and my retirement visa as well as my current address but they often practice CYA to the extreme and ask for more. The forums suggested just hopping from bank to bank and sometimes branch to branch until you get someone who is fluent enough in English to understand what you want and need to submit.

That is what I will do when I get back to Bangkok. So much for things being easier to do in the village.

On another frustration I tried logging into the Canada Revenue Agency website to find out what my tax installment payments were for the Fall and was asked where my first vacation outside the country was. Duh, you think I could remember? I know which state it was but I also knew it was the US, so I tried usa, United States, and USA and 3 strikes I am locked out and please call their e-Help Desk form 7:30 am to 9 pm which is not all that helpful in Thailand and BTW, please have your 2016 tax return handy in answer your skill testing question.  I guess they are not all that keen on getting their money.

At last count I had over 112 logins and passwords and now I also have to keep track of all the security questions as well :-(

It just goes to show that every country has its little frustrations.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds pretty frustrating. A work visa seems to be the fix for most banks but that is of no help I know.

    It's no easier in Malaysia without a work permit.
