Thursday, February 21, 2019

Canada Goose

Today's song is: Dylan with The Band  ..

Canada Goose, the Canadian Winter Clothing company has done a remarkable job on marketing.  They have a unique patch on the left shoulder that screams, 'I have arrived and I am wearing an expensive, stylish jacket!' They have taken a page out of 'Apple's' marketing book and has gone one step better by actually delivering a superior product  :-)

Cool, if I had a spare $1,000  :-)

I, myself am walking around in a 'coach's' shell on top of a Queen's hoodie my daughter bought for me about 15 years ago. Stylish, I am not  :-)

Today is our last full day in our resort condo in the Sheraton Wall Centre. It has turned out to be a great place to recover form jet lag and our cough and colds. It is a beautiful sunny morning and we will go for a walk later today to explore Vancouver.

Thavorn asked for a Timmy's breakfast sausage sandwich and a medium double, double dark roast this morning so it would appear Timmy's has another convert!


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