Monday, February 11, 2019

5 Days to Canada

Today's song is: House of the Rising Son  .. Animals and Eric

I am kind of attached to this song as I heard it performed live in Ottawa circa 1966.

After today, we have 5 days and we fly out. Jaidan and I still have our colds and fevers but we hope they will be gone by Thursday when we get our flu shots at the clinic.

Some friends (5) of Thavorn are dropping by to Big Tree on February 16th to say goodbye to Thavorn and drive us to the airport for our 8:30 Flight to Taipai. They are driving up from Rayong, about a 2 hour drive and will drive back after seeing us off.  I thought it was a mighty fine gesture.

Other than that, I am watching NetFlix and trying to get healthy. Tomorrow night is our last night on our lease and we will go to MegaMall as I want to pick up some USB cables which are much cheaper here than in Canada.

That's it,


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