Monday, June 13, 2016


Today's song is: On the Road Again .. Canned Heat

A while back I developed the following list of how God (substitute Buddha, Allah, Q, etc.) evaluates Teachers. Oops, not wanting to offend anyone, feel free to substitute she for he :-).

1.  God will NOT ask you what your class average is ...
    He will ask how many students you encouraged in an average day.

2.  God will NOT ask you how many students liked you ..
    He will ask how many students respected you.

3.  God will NOT ask how many students you failed ...
    He will ask how many students you helped.

4.  God will NOT ask you how much you know...
    He will ask you how you shared that knowledge.

5.  God will NOT ask about your standards...
    He will ask you what purpose those standards served.

6.  God will NOT ask you if you crossed your T’s and dotted your I’s ...
    He will ask if you if you read and applied the IPRC.

7.  God will NOT ask you how much power you had...
    He will ask you how you empowered others.

8.  God will NOT ask you what you have produced ...
    He will ask you what you have shared with others.

9.  God will NOT ask you how many assessments you collected ...
    He will ask how you made your students grow.

10. God will NOT ask you how much you taught …
    He will ask how much your students learned.

I also found the above on my resurrected USB drive that has to be at least 10 years old. I also found an older drive but I have yet to find the power supply that drives it. I am curious to what I will find on that drive.

Today I move locations to my business partners house to get business related programming done over the next 2 weeks. They are great hosts and keep me well supplied with caffeine and red wine, the staples of programming.

I am missing Thavorn and Jaidan

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