Friday, June 24, 2016


Today's song is: I wanna dance ...  Whitney

I must admit I am a bit bored with Canada at this moment. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I miss Thavorn and Jaidan. I am also doing quite a bit of boring (monkey work) programming which is also not much fun.

I had a great night out with the two Mikes and we all laughed for 3 hours straight. The two Mikes are all on their second relationship and we have lots in common.  The link was originally basketball with our daughters but now it is kindred spirits.

I met Billy for coffee at Timmy's and not much seems to have changed in his life. Time for Billy to take a walk on the wild side before he checks out of this world. :-)

I am not sure where a 65 year old goes to have fun in Ottawa. I see lots of them in Timmy's in the morning but they don't seem to be having much fun but seem to be 'putting in time'. Brent and Jeanine and Paul and Cathy live more exciting lives as they travel  extensively and have taken delight in visiting their grand children. Jeanine has a small pillow in my room that say, "If I had known that grandchildren were so much fun I would have had them first!" . Kind of my philosophy as I made my own :-)

The weather in Ottawa has been beautiful over the past two weeks. June - August are always great months in Ottawa. My fitness routine continues unabated and I feel myself still losing weight despite eating dessert at suppers with Jeanine and Brent.

The dollar plunged today and I assume that it was due to Brexit. The British people voted to leave the European Union and I suspect it was to have more say in how their country operates in the world. I suspect that over the next 10 years it will prove to be a wise choice as the other European countries struggle with uncontrollable immigration. I think Angela Merkle lives in a dream world if she thinks it will all be roses.

Canada has accepted 25,000 Syrians and they will all migrate to the same area of the country and elect their own members of parliament. Assimilation seldom occurs as like likes like. Just a fact of life.

I am hoping for a night out with Ashley and Mike (another 2 basketball buddies on subsequent relationships). They are lots of fun and sharing life's adventures keep all of us entertained. I move to my sister Anne's house on the lake around the end of the month. Ann and I have some great discussions trying to solve the world's problems but we come at those problems from different ends and seldom end up in the middle. It should be a good 4 or 5 days :-) Ann likes research based evidence and I prefer empirical evidence.

Well, enough chatting, time to find a good song ...  Deb, I have not forgotten about you :-)


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