Tuesday, October 27, 2015

All Alone am I

Today's song is: Alone by Heart

It is Thursday night and I am all alone. I suggested to Thavorn that she and Jaidan go visit her Mom, Tai, and Dun because it is Dun's birthday on November 1. Thais are not big on birthday celebrations but I am slowly convincing Thavorn they are important.

I am going to use the days from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm to develop some web apps I am interested in. I have updating various apps and I find that very boring so I need something intellectually stimulating.
The first web app I am creating is a vThankYou web site that anyone can use to post a thankyou or Kudo to someone else.  This comes about because of my experience as a parent, teacher, and student.

Teacher's get tired of receiving yet another 'teacher' coffee mug at the end of the year and/or Christmas. They end up being stored away with the other 10 of the same ilk. Would it not be better to be able to thank a teacher, coach or mentor online and email or SMS the person the url which will stand and  accumulate with others for posterity on the net. The person would be able to respond back.

A group, such as a bball team could also submit a thank-you. The site will support a YouTube video or a photo as well as comments from each individual in the group. The site will be searchable so eventually anyone would be able to search on a name and find all the thank you's received by a certain person.

It will also enable you to thank someone when you finally realize what they meant to your personal development but were oblivious to at the time (think teenager).

Saturday night is Halloween so I will probably head out for some fun.


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