Monday, July 25, 2016

Two more sleeps ..

Today's song is: Wasn't that a Party  .. Irish Rovers  .. to get me in the mood for Bangkok

Today is Monday and my day for cleaning up items left undone. Tuesday is packing and checking documentation for my flights and hotel stay over in Hong Kong on the 28th. Wednesday is off to the airport at 4 am for my 6 am departure to Newark, then Tokyo, then Hong Kong.

Tuesday afternoon my daughter Jaime and I are going to watch the new Star Wars movie which will be my last activity in Canada. Unfortunately I did not get to see everyone I would have liked to see like Larry, Liz, and Debbi, but I hope to make up for it next year.

Back in the village, it was Tai's 10th birthday and she was celebrating with cupcakes and friends.  Here are two pics ..

Jaidan showing patience

Ready to dive in

The difficult part in returning back to Thailand is deciding what to keep and what to chuck. I find myself divesting more and more. It is truly amazing what you don't need in life :-)


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