Today's song is Universal Soldier written by Buffy Saint-Marie, a Canadian .. she tells the story behind the song and then sings it.
However, it was Donovan who made the song famous.
Universal Soldier is an antiwar song with a simplistic argument that war can't happen if soldiers don't fight. That is a very leftist opinion (currently championed by Obama) and every boy in the schoolyard knows that if you don't stand up to the schoolyard bully ... nothing good will come from it ... only more bullying.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
― Edmund Burke
However, the left wing media who champion PC are often willing to overlook their brand of PC when main stream religions, institutions and men are lampooned.
It is okay for a woman to criticize male rednecks but not okay for a male to criticize a femme nazi.
My favorite example is the TV commercial that portrays a tool-smart woman belittling her male partner for not being able to operate an electric drill. Men are stupid and women are smart ... that is how the media portrays the genders.
I have become fascinated with US politics as I get good news coverage on it in Bangkok. It will be interesting to see if Hillary wins the 2016 election just because she is female. The PC left managed to elect Obama despite the fact he had no experience in running anything, never mind the most powerful government ib the world. I was in Florida attending a conference when Obama won the election. Most of the black staff at the conference were clustered around the TV monitors and cheered when Obama won. Unfortunately, they are not cheering now as blacks in the US are worse off now then before Obama was elected. However, because the PC leftist media are never wrong they continue to give Obama a free ride as I am sure they will Hillary.
“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." ― Edmund Burke
I lost all respect for Hillary when she did not ditch Bill after his affair with Monica. Imagine getting publicly blown in the Oval Office and getting away with it. If you have been following their Clinton Foundation scheming you would know the PC leftist media are still giving Hillary a free ride because the end (getting the first woman elected as President) justifies the means (refusing to criticize).
This is not a rant, just an observation on what I think is happening in America and I am sure Canada is no better.
“Never apologise for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologise for the truth.”
― Edmund Burke
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