Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Today's song is a segue into today's topic

I have had some free time on my hands so I have met some new bar girls and thought I would show what I have learned. Mostly, nothing new. There are three types of bar girls, gogo dancers, coyote dancers, industry workers, etc.

Type 1 is the older (28+) girl who has been repeatedly let down by one or two Thai boyfriends or husbands and either through economic necessity or boredom with an existing minimum wage/maximum hours job wants to try something different. Sometimes the husband or boyfriend has died but most of the time, he has cheated on her, or is lazy and never keeps a job, or is hooked on drugs, or constantly cheats on the girl (butterfly). I must admit I have an affinity for these girls as they are tired of riding a dead horse and are willing to try something new, albeit, a little bit scary for them. The best of the industry IMHO.

Type 2 is the younger bar girl who has been exposed to the internet and understands that a lot of money can be made and their major driving force is greed. These are the sharks of the industry and are not to be trusted. They seem to enjoy the excitement of the bar scene and like to brag about their new Rado watch that some customer just bought for them. They are often very narcistic and often have some loser Thai boyfriend who is living the high life with them and can be seen dropping them off at the bar. Avoid at all costs.

Type 3 is the coyote dancer who almost aways wears the skimpy little shorts and tops and are invariabley 18 - 24. They seldom go with customers and earn their money by the fools that pay 300 baht for the privilege of talking with them for 15 mintes until their next dance is scheduled. They are often university girls that are out earning extra cash. They will go with a younger good looking, athletic farang but be prepared to pay big bucks. Ignore them.

There is arguably a Type 4 - Katoey's but I have yet to have a conversation with but a few and I really do not know what motivates them.


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