Sunday, February 2, 2020

Thai Schools Closing

Today's song is: Baby  .. Clean Bandit

I coach basketball at an International School with a large population of Chinese students. The school was closed for the past 10 days for Chinese New Year. I just received notice that the school is abiding by Thai Educational Policy guidelines and will remain closed until February 10th. There is nothing in the news about this as it would be bad for tourism.

Yippee, that means I can stay in the village for another 10 days. Of course, I mean that sarcastically. My choice is to die of boredom or potentially die of the virus. I also seem to be coming down with the flu as I have not had my flue shot yet. The chances of me catching the new corona virus is next to nothing as the village does not draw many Chinese visitors.  However, it is a safe place for taxi drivers and bar girls to ride out the virus. You can run, but you can't hide.

It is getting more and more likely that we will have to eat Thavorn and Jaidan's air tickets from Bangkok to Puket return on the February 12 to the 20th. Both locations are Chine tourist hot spots, but were not when I booked.

It also appears my last month in Thailand will not be much fun.


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