Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Back in Town

Today's song is: The Boys are back in Town ...Thin Lizzy

After a 5 hour bus trip we arrived in the Northern Bus Terminal. Once you arrive at the bus terminal, albeit North or South, you are faced with e dilemma of getting to your urban destination. Your choices are:

1. Accept the offer of the person greeting you when getting off the bus.
2. Take a van to another drop off point.
3. Find the legitimate taxi queue and travel by meter.

Under no circumstance accept the offer of #1

Option two is a cheap option as the van waits until it is full and then each person pays 40 baht to arrive at your new destination. This was less than half price of a taxi with 3 of us paying. It is a no brainer if you know your destination and our familiar with Bangkok.

The third option is also safe and fairly cheap, especially if their are 4 of you splitting the fare. Ensure the driver is going by meter before disembarking. You will be at the mercy of the traffic at that moment in time and space.

We took the van and spent an hour in traffic and ended up in The market Village Mall where we decided Pizza Hut would be a welcome change to rats and ate well. We then shopped at the local drug store for needed items and took a taxi home for 60 baht, about $2.30 CDN. You can't get in a taxi for that amount back home.

We wore face masks while on the bus and in the van. Unfortunately my cough seems a bit worse. Hopefully a good night's sleep will help. It is going to be luxurious to sleep in a bed tonight! No mosquito net or a nightly trip to the outhouse.

Does not get much better. Oh, the simple things in life that you begin to appreciate when you are without them.


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