Friday, August 25, 2017

Haves and Have Nots

Today's song is: We are the World .. as Haitians flee Trump to Quebec

The community my sister lives in is somewhat mixed in income and ethnicity. My sister lives in a sheltered lane with about 20 town homes. Across Carling Avenue is a community housing project (low income, usually recent immigrants). As you get closer to the Ottawa River the properties become middle class, and upper middle class. Real Estate is all about location and since the City of Ottawa fixed the annual flooding problem by constructing the Ottawa River Bike Path (levee), this location turned from cottages into expensive home.

I walk through the 3 areas before commencing my run along the Ottawa river walkways and bike paths.  Some pics:

my running path

community housing project

Sign for Community housing

Park beside community Catholic School

The local Catholic school

Upper middle class homes

The Belltown Dome - 2/3rds Hockey rink

Ottawa River bike path - not rush hour

Close to a million dollar home - location

The mighty Ottawa River

Tonight, my daughter Jaime and I head out to a Carlton Ravens bball game. Last night was the bball coaches annual BBQ at Gerry's house and way too much laughter occurred after way too much wine.  All in all a great time was had by all  :-)


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