Sunday, March 20, 2016

Adapting to Civilization

Today's song is: You Can't Always Get What You Want - Stones

Thavorn's children, Tai and Dun have been with us for 2 days now. Thavorn has been picking head lice out of Tai's hair for both days now and she is still not lice and egg free but hopefully close. Dun has short hair and hence no lice. At first I wondered why Thavorn's mom doesn't pick lice but I can only assume she has given up as the school is probably full of head lice. However, Tai should be lice free for at least a month. Something to look forward to :-)

The issue I have with village folks is they simply drop garbage everywhere and do not pick up after themselves. Eventually when things start sticking to their feet they bring out a broom and sweep things into a pile and set it on fire. There is no garbage pickup in the village. I think I could make a living supplying steel barrels for storing and burning garbage in the village. They could also be used as a source of heat when the temperature drops for a few weeks of the year.

Thavorn's brother and his son have just left for the village and I suggested to Thavorn to take Jaidan, Tai, and Dun for a swim and I spent an hour cleaning the apartment and it is now spotless. BTW, Thai men find it amusing that I actually do housework. They look at that activity as beneath them although they are quite capable of lounging on the couch, without a full-time job, watching me clean. I blame the way that they are raised, often without a male in the house, usually by their grandmother. Of course this is lo-so but I doubt that hi-so spouses do housework. That would be the lo-so maids's job.

This morning Dun dumped a full glass of coke over Thavorn's Samsung Note. I caught it in time and managed to skim the fluid off it before it found its way inside. Then into the bag of rice it went for a couple of hours and thankfully it is okay. Dun is a wrecking machine. Thai not go moon :-)

There have recently been quite a few articles on the web talking about the Thai obsession for Facebook and how obsessed they are with posting the most mundane things in their life such as what they are eating, what they bought, and most of all, doctored pictures of themselves to make themselves look better than they are. It is not unusual to see a Thai girl sitting on the BTS, preening herself as she takes selfies to post on Facebook. Thais are quite narcissistic and Facebook is the ultimate social network for that outlet.

Thavorn and I never did get out by ourselves over the weekend as we were just too tired entertaining the 4 children and her brother. Maybe tonight.



  1. "Thais not go to moon" is always hilarious to read.

    1. Yes, but it should read 'Thais not go moon!' There are no prepositions in Tinglish :-)
