Friday, April 26, 2019

Rainy Day

Today's song is: panic at the Disco ... High Hopes

It is a very rainy and cool day today. We are still getting unseasonable weather for late April but May has got to be better. We have now been in Canada for over 2 months, with 4 more months (the best), to go.

I just checked one way tickets back to Bangkok from Vancouver in the first week in February. They are very inexpensive at $440 dollars one way. I think they are inexpensive because China Air and China Eastern Air, as well as Hong Kong Air, fly full planes to Vancouver the first week in September for returning students and they don't want the planes to fly back empty. I also suspect because that week is the first week of school, most folks are not flying.

We do have the return leg of our Aeroplan flights from Vancouver to Ottawa, on August 30th so we will spend a few days in Vancouver before flying out. I suspect the weather will be much better in Vancouver than when we arrived on February 17th.

I am looking forward to getting back to basketball in September and I am thankful that my friend Shaun is supervising lunch hour and the ever popular Friday after school game. It is much appreciated by myself and the team.

I have a lunch hour meet at the famous Prescott restaurant and tavern and I suspect most people will be ordering the meatball platter or the equally famous square pizza. It is scheduled for this coming Wednesday.

Programming has been going well but their is no end in site in the near future. We are also meeting with school board employees who are using our software.

Some pics of our daily walks:

Our resident Canada Goose. We also have a male and female Mallard (ducks)

The pics are of the little inland lake that is part of our condominium project.

I look forward to running around the paved path that surrounds it.


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