Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Getting Things Done

Today's song is: Uptown Funk  .. Mark Ronson

I had breakfast with Julian Hanlon yesterday and it was good to get caught up after seeing Julian and Claire in Bangkok.

My printer arrived by Amazon and I was able to get our application off to Sudbury for the Canada Child Benefit. We also made an appointment to open a bank account for Thavorn. It is needed to deposit the Canada Child Benefit into as well as a document required (Ontario Address) for applying to OHIP. We need to get one account statement sent to our address in order to prove to OHIP that Thavorn actually lives in Ontario.

On our way back from mailing the application it started to snow and Thavorn and Jaidan enjoyed the flurry.

Thavorn and Jaidan are fascinated by snow.


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