Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Bank Account Done

Today's song is: See You Again .. Charlie Puth

We had a 10 am appointment at the Royal Bank (chosen because it was within walking distance) to open an account. Canada is very multicultural these days and we had a lovely young lady (late 20's) from Dubai open Tavorn's account. Now the account is open, we await a mailing from the Royal bank and then we head off to OHIP again to register Thavorn for coverage.

We decided to have a breakfast sausage sandwich at Timmy's and Jaidan had a honey dip donut.  Afterwards we decided to try the shortcut back to our condo. It was only 5 mins and a beautiful walk back.

Some pics  ...

So far so good just keeps getting better. The weather is supposed to be more like spring starting on the weekend when we climb above 0 degrees. 


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