Friday, December 21, 2018

Crazy but Good

Today's song is: Start Me Up  .. the Stones

Some people are capable of truly crazy things:

Enough said  ..

It gives credence to the phrase, 'I am here for a good time, not a long time'.

Seriously, who wants to live past their prime.  However, the older I get, the longer my prime gets. However, when I can no longer run or walk normally, when the mind begins to dim, and most importantly of all, when I become a burden to someone else, it is time to hit the check out button  :-)

Gout sucks, apparently 1 in 2 people start to experience it after 50 years of age. It is a pain in the toe.  Also a pain in the ass if you like to walk long like I do. Also, drinking too much (who me?) also tends to start up a gout episode .. bummer! After a week of ice I headed off to the local pharmacy and obtained the usual drugs that I would have to go see a doctor in Canada. Lo and behold after a day of said drugs, the pain is starting to abate.  Uric acid begone I say!

On a lighter note, I am looking forward to a break from coding and having a beer with a couple of good friends, over the Christmas season in downtown Bangkok. After all, it is the season to be jolly!

By now my buddy John will be in the Great White North with his Thai wife. I look forward to hear from him and watching her Facebook with Thavorn.


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