Monday, December 31, 2018

Bar Girls

Today's song is: Happier  .. Ed Sheeran

It was really refreshing to read a reader's submission to Stickman's Website.  I wish I had written it as it captures my opinion of bar girls to a tee.  Definitely worth reading:

If you have ever been through a painful divorce and are looking for a cure, I suggest you read this reader's submission from Stickman  ..

That's it for my New Years Day post from the village  :-)  Heading back to the Big mango on January 4th  .. enough of this camping shit  .. give me good music, a couple of beautiful bar girls, and an expat friend or two and I am a happy guy.

However, do understand, I love my wife and she is a wonderful person with not one mean bone in her body  .. definitely a keeper  ..


1 comment:

  1. Both your New Years Eve post and the field trip posting on the Stickman site talk about the Thai males living off the avails of others. Why accept this? Hope you don't ever pay for another family member like this again.
