There is lots of literature available on men availing themselves of sex within the sex-tourism industry, none of which would be considered positive. The main topic seems to be exploitation of women by men. I have mentioned many times that the exploitation is both ways and mainly driven by the economies of the countries involved. I have also mentioned that it is hard to exploit and traffic women who own the latest iPhone 6 or Samsung Note. These women are there by economic choice. They are not much different than the economic migrants trying to get into the EU, looking for a better life.
I have also mentioned I have seen an increase in women tourists in Thailand and I suspect they also pay for play whether it be the massage houses or beer bars.
The Stickman Weekly is an excellent historical account of life in Thailand since 2002. Most of the articles come from Stick's loyal readers and a recent article piqued my interest. I have known for quite some time that North American women play in the sex-tourism industry in the Caribbean Islands but I did not know the extent that EU women play within the African Countries.
The above URL is an interesting read of a firsthand experience of a male tourist in Gambia. Here is a short extract from it:
'As will be well known to readers of this site, male sex tourism is usually associated with South East Asia. Some poor fellows have even been labelled as predators, preying on poor innocent ill-educated farm girls who have been forced into the oldest profession in the world through force of economic circumstance. However the flip side of this same coin, namely female-driven sex tourism is very much alive, albeit veiled, with little or nothing reported about it. Perhaps it's even seen as harmless and too small an issue to be reported? European women also embark on such expeditions – not to SE Asia – but rather Africa! Thus the reason for the many single and aging European women that I had seen around the hotel pool. Like their male Asian bound counterparts they hunt individually and in packs, populating the many bars that apparently survive on the patronage of both male and female sexual adventure seekers.
The women that I saw around the pool on Sunday were all similar clones of each other. They were middle-aged, mostly overweight, conventionally unattractive and therefore mostly past their sell-by date. I suspect that most were divorced, or had at least experienced failed relationships back in the suburbia's of Northern Europe. But as I was to learn later that week they were all here with one objective in mind – to be serviced, pampered and to get laid by a young black African. Given their age, looks and circumstances that was simply never going to happen 'back home'. I suspect that in all honesty, they were probably all lonely and just looking for companionship, but end up in consensual sexual relationships with the understanding that goods and money will be exchanged for services rendered. Is it then any different from a male going to South East Asia seeking the same thing … P4P – what's the difference?'
It ends with an interesting question, 'What is the difference?' and why has the media and the many NGO's not picked up on this. I do believe there is a double standard in the world when it comes to reporting on sex tourism. I complement these ladies in getting out and enjoying themselves in the latter part of their sexual lives. Do read the young black male's answer to how he feels about servicing the cougars that descend on his little part of the world. It is enlightening and similar to what many Thai girls working in the industry believe, at least the younger ones.
Many older Thai women (over 30) are fed up with their Thai males and just want someone they can count on to earn a decent wage, not get drunk every second night and beat up on them, and fool around on them. They seek respite from all that in the arms of a farang. The difference is, they are looking for a permanent relationship, not a hook up for a few nights. It is both cultural and economic.