Thursday, January 14, 2016

Summer Camp

Today's song is: I Would Walk 500 Miles .. by the Proclaimers.

I do not know why but my mind strayed back to the summers when my 2 children, Jaime and Jordan were younger and attended Olympia Sports camp in Huntsville Ontario. Jaime took to it like a duck to water and Jordan did not like it much at all. I think Jordan had a bad camp experience with his bunk mates who were predominantly black and cliquish.

During drop off and pickup the camp used to play their theme song above. Hence the memory.

Last night Thavorn, Jaidan and I had a great time at Country Road in Soi Cowboy. Jaidan is not so shy anymore and was charming the ladies and even dancing up a storm to the live band to everyone's amusement including my friend John from England. The sign outside says no cameras, drugs, or guns and no one under 20 years of age. They have always made an exception for Jaidan and the staff dotes on him :-)

Country Road in Soi Cowboy

I was looking at health insurance for both Jaidan and Thavorn and was quite surprised to find out that Jaidan was more expensive probably dues to higher child mortality rates in Thailand. Of course the salesperson had no concept of child mortality rates and was unable to explain why he was more expensive. She did however, know how to input the data into the app and obtain price quotes. Thai people are interesting to watch and talk to, but understanding their thought processes is difficult. They are not taught how to think in their school system which stresses rote memory of facts and obedience to Thai societal values.


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