Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Village Day 3

Today's song is:

Unavailable :-(

The conditions were all there for a perfect storm, and like George Clooney doing his 'Old Man and the Sea' modern version he thought he could cheat the Gods of the Sea.

It was blistering hot when we arrived 3 days ago and I started chucking back the bottled water but I should have noticed that the bottles were the exact same bottles I bought over 6 months ago. The labels should have alerted me me as they looked weathered.

Dinner was a varied menu of eel, snake, rat, and pork. Thavorn had previously told me she would only feed Jaidan and I pork. However, I noticed that everything went into the same two fry pans, so I think all the meat tasted the same with different textures. My insides were rumbling a bit so I thought I would wait to eat a bit and it turned dark about 6:30. I previously showed you the lighting is not great in the house (term loosely applied) and I eventually put some pork together on a plate with some rice. About 5 bites later I noticed that some black spots were moving on my rice so I put on my glasses and discovered at least 20 black ants dining alongside me (minus the ones I already ate). I picked out all that I saw and finished the plate. When in Rome ...

I started to get Jaidan ready for bed and decided I would sleep with him under the too small mosquito netting. Thavorn would sleep on the floor beside us with the 2 fans on high to keep the mosquitoes away from her. I, and Jaidan had only shorts and a t-shirt each. During the night, the temperature dropped at least 10 degrees and I woke to an odd feeling in my kidneys and an overall general malaise, combined with a fever and headache. The rest of the night was toss and turn waiting for daylight and a trip to the john out back.

Jack Nicholson has a classic line in the Bucket List  .. 'Never Trust a Fart'  .. I did, and it was not pretty, trying to keep Jaidan out of it and trying to wake up Thavorn. Of course there is no toliet paper in the whole place (a bucket of water suffices) and I looked around for a solution. You would be amazed what a diaper can soak up.

The day has progressed and I am taking amoxicillin (purchased at the local Thai pharmacy without a prescription), a couple of advils and nothing but water and a few S-100 soft drinks. It has taken me all day to write this, a sentence at a time. I may end up missing the school extravaganza tonight.

This is only the second time Montezuma has had his revenge on me and like I said, it was probably a perfect storm of bad little wiggly things.


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