Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 4 in Village

Today's song is: Don't stop the music by the Village People  .. bit of a theme while I am there :-)

If yesterday was the epicenter of my intestinal maladies then last night was the calm of the eye of the storm and I foolishly ate (because I was starving) a spicy chicken hamburger from 7/11. Big mistake as I paid for it all night! The good news is I appear to be getting better today ( a 7 out of 10) and I only ate a slice of bread and a boiled egg and it stayed down and is causing no discomfort. However, the toilet trips are still occurring albeit not as frequently.

Pictures tomorrow, I promise. Last night I missed the school extravaganza and everyone asked Thavorn where Jimmy was and of course all the girls wanted to hold Jaidan (for a short period - 18 kilos) and they all say ... Jaidan so cute! Thavorn could not shoot any photos or videos as she was concerned about where Jaidan was at all times.

The lost boys (16-24 are all in the woods and have been having a bush party for over 24 hours. It is starting to quiet down down that the temperature is climbing past 30 degrees. Alcohol can only take you so far. What is the saying  ... mad dogs and Englishmen?

That is it for the time being, time for another recovery nap  .. after a toilet stop :-)



  1. Well, I guess my health and happiness wishes for 2016 are side-tracked! Are you sure that it really is amoxicillin that you purchased? :)
