Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christmas in Bangkok

Today's song is: Chestnuts by Christina

It is so nice to experience Christmas in a Buddhist country where there is no politically correct bullshit over the use of the word Christmas, or Christmas trees in public, or just being able to wish someone a Merry Christmas. We can only wish christian Canadians had the backbone to insist on the right to celebrate their heritage without worrying about who they are going to offend.

Jaidan has been busy decorating and undecorating (yes, I know it is not a word) Christmas trees in Rumours Bar and the building we live in. He really enjoys placing the ornaments on the trees .. he can do it for hours  .. on .. off .. on!

Here are some pics.

Poy and Jaidan decorating tree at bar

Poy is very good with Jaidan

Jaidan gets and gives to Poy

New bar tender at Rumours  .. getting to know Jaidan

Off and on :-)

Jaidan undecorating the tree in our building

More Christmas decorations in our building .. owners are Buddhists.

Office girl and Jaidan  .. don't know her name .. we always call her Jaidan's GF :-) Jaidan visits her many times throughout the day!


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