Wednesday, January 8, 2020

51 Days ...

Today's song is: One Night in Bangkok  .. Murray Head

As we approach 50 days, I headed out for a night out with my friend Harvey (who arrived from England the night before) and his mostly English friends. We started off at the Kiwi pub on Soi 8 for their excellent happy hour.  Three hours later we headed off, by Tuk Tuk (shame, only tourists take Tuks) and arrived at Nana, a five minute walk from the Kiwi.

We started off at the Black Bar where we played some challenge pool. I lost my first game by one ball and then won my next 3, before departing off to the Nana proper. First stop was Twisters, a favorite of Harvey's and then Butterflies.  The usual deal, buy some ladies drinks and chat flirtatiously. All good fun.

Then, Harvey suggested Long Gun at Soi Cowboy for more of the same. We lost Harvey's friends, casualties of bar fines but Harvey was far from done and he suggested we check out the Queen's Park bars which had relocated to Soi 7. It turns out, most of the bars had chosen new names and we strolled around trying to figure which bars were which.  We settled in at Tang's new bar and I ended up playing a lot more pool while Harvey bought copious amounts of lady drinks. Harvey has a hard time saying no.

At about 3 am we headed off and were heading home when Harvey saw yet another pretty face and we sat in another bar chatting with 2 ladies and the owner discussing the bar business and how much money a pretty Thai lady requires to leave the bar.  One fascinating lady, who was 29 with 5 children stated 70,000 baht would do it.  She has 4 Thai kids and one Thai/farang mix.  She was managing to make about that amount but admitted, to being bar fined 2 or 3 times a night some weeks.  She laughed and said, not too bad, I like sex. I guess that is why she has 5 kids.

She had about 3 farangs sending her monthly cash, thinking they were exclusive. It is always interesting to get a glimpse into the inner workings of a bar girl's mind and moral compass.

Given the choice of heading home at 4:30 am or hanging around for an early breakfast I decide to catch a taxi and head home. It had turned into an expensive evening.

Harvey used to live in Bangkok, but now likes to spend his time in Hua Hin, about 3 hours from Bangkok. He spends 6 months in Thailand a year, in 2 three month stays. I will probably not see Harvey for close to 2 years.

That was probably my last big night out in the Big Mango. Go big or go small, I usually say :-)


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