Saturday, July 18, 2015


Today's song is Turn ... turn ...turn  by the Byrds ... but first their version of  'Times are a Changin' ... Dylan's song from yesterday.

Times are a Changin ...

Turn ... Turn  ... Turn ... 2010 performance

The Byrds (Folk Rock Group 6's-70's) were obsessed by time. They had a total of 5 songs hat were themed around time. The two above plus ... Time Between, She Don't Care About Time, Set You Free This Time.

I must admit having experienced a fair bit of time under the bridge that time has become more important to me, especially free time ... the kind of time where you can do what you want when you want. Life is not a dress rehearsal ... make the most of it. In the immortal words of Ivan Kelly .. Don't fool around ... buy a round!

Actuarial tables are so depressing. They can give you a ball park year when you cash your chips in. According to Canadian data that gives me 20 more years to make the most of. Not so bad given the wisdom I have accumulated and the freedom I have.

Perhaps's folk rock's best known song is a Dylan song ... How Many roads ... You would not believe the many different artists that have sung this song ... I will leave it to you to research. In the meantime, my 2 favourites ...


Canadian Alanis Morissette (I had dinner at her parent's house while she was just a young teenager) ... dad played QB for the Carleton Raven's and Mom taught with me. Very nice people!


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