Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Today's song is: Times are a Changing - Dylan 1964

When I lived directly on Soi 22 I used to wake every morning to the sound of roosters. One must remember that this is the center of downtown Bangkok, sort of like Times Square New York. You certainly would not get Roosters sounding off in downtown Vancouver or Ottawa. The PC leftist city politicians would frown upon it. On my side street, off of Soi 22, there are no roosters but their are a couple of free range chickens wandering around. If I ever get short on food ...

I read an interesting article on safety nazis in the US are now demanding that children be placed in their own seat on airlines and also be strapped into a certified car seat as well. Obviously, these safety nazis never had children. First off, most families can not afford to pay for a seat for a child under 2. Second, carry the car seat, while juggling the kid, and your carry-on would be a nightmare. Why do the PC left want to regulate what we 'the people' do.

I have always admired the State of New Hampshire's license plates .... 'Live Free or Die'.

I have mentioned that Bangkok could not exist in North America for a variety of reasons. There are regulations but they are seldom enforced. There are no stop or yield signs on the streets but traffic moves well at most times. You go ... I go ... you go ... but taxis go first. Motorbikes outnumber cars and helmets are optional. You will see families of 4 on one motorbike. My personal record viewing is a family of 7.

Food stalls on the street see no health inspectors. The only time I ever had food poisoning was in a 5 star hotel. Go figure. You can walk around with an open beer at any time of day.

You would think would think anarchy would rule without regulation or enforcement but it all works well. Cops ride around on small 125 motorbikes (2 cops to a bike) but they seldom bother you. You seldom see a fat cop. Yes, there is corruption but it is pretty well out in the open and not hidden like 'Clinton Cash'. (Do read the book).

It is refreshing to live your life without being told what to do by any level of government. An american friend of mine just visited Ottawa (and Canada) for the first time. He was held at immigration for 3 hours as the immigration folks tore his suitcase apart and pored over the photos of school aged children on his laptop, grilling him with questions. My friend works for an international school and writes the school newspaper and shoots photos of the kids to be used in the publication. It appears the Ottawa International airport is used for training immigration officers ... but this is ridiculous!!! This is one American who was not impressed. He did state that the one male immigration officer was a little sympathetic if not empathetic.  BTW, my friend is 68.

I had better erase my nude photos of Jaidan in the bath before I fly into Ottawa :-)

Jaidan is now actively getting involved with keeping the apartment clean.

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1 comment:

  1. I am always sort of afraid of what's on my computer when crossing borders. Nothing illegal under normal circumstances, but I recall a story of when I was coming home for Spring break from the University of Windsor to my home city. it's quicker to go through Michigan and the border officer, seeing my computer, asked me if there was any illicit photos on my computer, advising me that "it's illegal to import". My mother was driving... Well since then I've been paranoid.
