Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sam the Atheist

Bangkok has many wonderful characters that you would probably not find in many cities of the world. It takes a certain type of personality to leave your 'comfort zone' and travel halfway around the world in search of adventure and something different. I have a friend in Bangkok who goes by the name Sam. Sam is among other things, and atheist and a DINK (dual income no kids) and defends his choice to have no children ... stating ... cloning me would not do a society a favor. Sam introduced me to Kinkie Friedman.

Now Kinky is famous with red necks and is probably the most politically incorrect song artist around. Kinky also ran for political office in Texas.  I could not decide whether to choose 'I am Proud to be an Asshole from El Paso' or 'They Don't Make Jews Like Jesus Anymore'.

I flipped a coin and here is what you got.

Kinky in Dublin ... The Irish would appreciate his sense of whatever.

Sam will be leaving Bangkok in the near future. He will be missed.


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