Friday, April 3, 2020

Ongoing ...

Today's song is: Boom Boom Pow  ...  Black Eyed Peas

If you have ever been to Thailand you will know what Boom Boom refers to :-)

It is April 3rd 2020 and probably a month I will remember, but not wish to remember in the future.  Prime Minister Trudope was to speak at 11 am and the Premier of Ontario Doug Ford at noon. The topic everyone was hoping for was some kind of road map for the future. For example, how bad will it get, and how long will it last.

Trudope's 2 big announcements were;

Amazon Canada would deliver the much needed medical supplies and the military would help out in Quebec. First off, Trudope did not mention where these medical supplies would come fro,. Trump was on record that he did not want US companies sending N95 masks to Canada when the US needed the. Trudope stated that he would point out to Trump that NAFTA guaranteed free trade. However, that was then and this is now.

The second big announcement would keep the Quebecois happy as they were suffering from all the French snowbirds returning from their roosts in Florida.

Other than that Trudope was a flop in my mind.

I have yet to read Ford's road map but I am hoing he will just give us some scenarios so we can plan. One month, two month, three months, and how many are projected to die and become infected. Is that all so hard? Apparently it was for Trudope.

I headed off to the rural Foodland and it was busier than normal as people were stocking up for the long run.  They also appeared very scared IMHO and they really tried to stay as far away as possible when confronting me in an aisle. Sad!

I received notice from DHL couriers that my Lego power supply was in customs and apparently customs is open for business as they wanted their duty, fees, GST/PST. It is good to know that may tax money is at work still.

I am afraid these posts will become somewhat repetitive but by nature will reflect what is going on in my life. C'est la vie :-)


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