Tuesday, July 3, 2018

USA - Mob Rule

Today's song is: We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to You  .. Kinky Friedman

The times, they are a changing. The people in the US who are left of center in their politics are advocating for mob rule.  The first signs of this were the 'Occupy Wall Street', then 'Black Lives Matter', and now the persecuting of anyone who advocates, supports or works for President Trump.

When you see these protesters who advocate violence if necessary they all seem to be in their twenties or early 30's, perhaps 2/3 female and seem to have lots of time on their hands or jobs that seem to afford them days to protest.  They are using the internet to advertise and organize their protests.

What I find interesting is that many of them are university students but when they are asked why they are protesting they say they are anti trump but have difficulty explaining why. They usually state because of his policies but are hard pressed to come up with a specific policy they object to and what they would suggest to replace it.

I would imagine, many of these protesters are part of Bernie Sanders followers. Many advocate for socialism but are hard pressed to explain what it means except, for open borders, free tuition, decent wages for everyone, and support for those who don't work.

The recent upset of the #4 Democrat in NYC by the 28 years old female socialist is interesting in of itself.


I think what we are going to see is a split in the democratic party between the old guard and the new (socialist) guard.

Margaret Thatcher best summed up socialism by 'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'

The Millennials that seem to be driving this new direction do not seem to have an appreciation for history and the failure of socialist governments. Searching for Utopia in Governments is akin to tilting at windmills.

The latest hot issue is the nomination of the next Supreme Court Judge who Trump is nominating by July 8th. The democrats are going to get ugly but none uglier than Maxine Waters:



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