Friday, July 28, 2017


Today's song is: Everything I do for You .. Bryan Adams

I think I have mentioned in previous posts that Thavorn has always wanted a Barbie. Why, because, she could never afford one and at some moment in time in the village or the school, some girl must have had a barbie. So far, I have never bought her one, but I should.

However, today we walked up to Emporium Shopping Centre and bought Jaidan his first pair of running shoes (Nikes) and bribed him with the purchase of a toy if he sat and let us try different shoes on him. We had success with the shoes and therefore bought hi a transformer toy (not the 'transformer') but a clone by Poli who make toys that Jaidan seems unable to break.

Jaidan enjoyed the walk home in his new runners and when we entered the apartment Jaidan and Thavorn fought over getting the toy out of the packaging and assembling it (batteries included). This is when Thavorn's inner child comes out. She loves to assemble toys.

Some pics:

The new Nikes

Assembling the toy

Jaidan in his new kicks

In front of the Marriott on Soi 22

Playtime is quiet time :-)


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