Friday, January 6, 2017

Village and Back to Bangkok

Today's song is: Tears by Clean Bandit

Wow, my last blog entry was December 26th 2016 and today is January 6th 2017. Eleven days without a post. Well, I have excuses, I have been busy and I have been sick, and just got back into the gym after 8 days.

Thavorn departed to the village with Jaidan on the 29th. She wanted to be there on the 30th for her older children's school party and dance to celebrate the new year. I spent the 29th completing some programming and but I did get out on the 30th with by Bangkok buddy Arthur. The good news is Nana Plaza has 3 awesome new bars. Bunnies, Billboard, and Butterflies. The bad news is that Crazy House was charging an entry fee of 100 baht. Not wanting to encourage that behavior I declined to enter.

The next morning I was very hung over so I decided I would sit out new year's eve and wait for my buddy Shaun from Malaysia to arrive on New Year's day. Shaun and I did have a busy night at the 3 bars mentioned above. We arrived home around 4 am after closing out the Corner Bar on Soi Cowboy. I declined sleeping as we had to be awake by 6 am to catch the bus to the village to meet up with Thavorn and Jaidan. Shaun had expressed a desire to experience village life.

The bus trip was painful and in due course we arrived in the village and immediately headed to my man cave and its bed to catch some much needed zzzzz's. Shaun enjoyed his village stay and even got to learn how to ride a motorbike and managed to get his first case of road rash.

We were supposed to catch the bus to Pattaya for 2 days in sin city on the 5th but it turns out it was fully booked by ladies travelling back to work until January 7th.  Instead, we joined Thavorn and Jaidan on the 5th and traveled back to Bangkok.  Jaidan has come down with a bad cold and fever so we are laying low for a few days.  I myself am coming off a cold and infection of some kind that forced me out of the gym for over a week. Seems like a combination mumps, mild case of shingles, cough, and stuffed up nose, plus headache. Thavorn went to the local Thai pharmacist and got me some amoxicillin to take before she left for the village.  It seems to have cleared me up somewhat but I fear I am now catching whatever Jaidan picked up from the village kids.

Here are some pics for the past 10 days:

A local lad joins the monks and parades to the village temple  much drinking, partying and dancing well into the night  ...

Shaun makes a Thai friend in the village

Shaun and I dine on Talapia fish in the town of Wichian Buri

Thavorn serves up some spicy Thai food for Shaun

The local school yard in the village

Local school

Our outdoor village gym

Thavorn makes a great kabob BBQ in the village

Jaidan at the school New Year's event

Village kids with makeup, getting ready for school event

Dun, Thavorn's second child

Tai, Thavorn's first child

My friend Arthur and I eat out at a great Lebanese Restaurant in Bangkok near Soi Nana.
Fuel for the night ahead  :-)


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