Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Trudope Doling out the Cash

Today's song is: We Reserve the Right ...  Kinky Friedman

Our current prime minister is Justin Trudeau, the son of former prime minister Pierre Trudeau who used to hold the recodrd for the largest budget deficit but has lost that record to his son Trudope, the drama teacher.  The leftist elected him, primarily Toronto and I am hoping they will be happy paying for his largess with their future earnings.

Trudope's biggest blunder is the CERB $2,000 a month to anyone who answers 4 basic questions online. It is bascially supposed to help anyone who was laid off a job due to covid.  BTW, it is more than miniumum wage so I suppose all of those folks are in no rush to get back to their minimum wage jobs. It is better to hang out in a park socializing and having a few beer.

The recipents are supposed to be brought to account next year if indeed they are still working and income tax is being deducted at source. Time will tell.

However Trudope just anounced that he is going to give the CERB to non Canadians. The 2 categories are foreign workers brought in to work and our now out of work. I would have thought it better to buy them a plane ticket and send them home. I am sure they are tickled pink to get paid for doing diddly squat. Canada is indeed the land of milk and honey.

However, the biggest beef I have is that Trudope is giving the CERB to all foreign students whether they are in the country or not. They only need a Canadian bank account. I have worked in international schools where many of these stidents come from. In Canada, these students pay about $25,000 CDN in tuition. They come here because it is much cheaper than the US. They are far from poor. I have talked to them in the elevator of the building that I rented in Vancouver for $3,000 a month. They all seemed to be wearing Canada Goose (expensive) winter coats. I doubt it is much different in Toronto.  So, my question is, 'Why is Trudope giving my tax dollars away to non Cnadian students who certainly do not need it, and are probably back in China living with their parents during Uni break.

There are 40,000 foreign students enrolled in Canada. At 2,000 per student that is 80 million dollars a month.  That would buy a lot of PPE for front line workers as well as ventilators.

I just shopped at Home Depot and they along with many other stores are advertising help needed as they can't get anyone to work. I admire the folks working there rather than living off the CERB.

I can't help to think, that Trudope is hell bent on buying votes. One must remember that you have to be elected in parliament for 6 years to qualify for that golden pension!

Canadians will pay for this stupidity for many years to come. 80% of Canadian deaths are in senior citizen homes. Young people working as frontline workers are probably not going to die of covid and they are certainly not exposed to as much risk as the party crowd in Toronto this past Saturday.

History will judge Trudope by his record, not his performance on the cottage steps.


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