Saturday, May 16, 2020

Ground Hog Day

Today's song is:

It is really starting to feel like ground hog day. If you have not seen the movie, the lock down is probably a good time to watch it. Bill Murray is excellent.

Another great movie to watch at this time is 'Life as a House' which is available on Amazon, probably free with Prime.

Apart from movies and 'The Last Dance documentary about Michael Jordan there is not much to do. Today I ripped apart one of the Lego Technics cards we built and rebuilt it and it is now the fastest car by far. It is all about gears (and patience) and there is lots to learn.

I find I am knocking back about 5 coffees a day which is probably not good thing. Not that falling asleep is a problem, but wow, talk about dreams. My brain seems to have a life of its own these days during sleep.

We did a Costco run 2 days ago so we probably have enough food for the next 3 weeks. I am awaiting a warm (20+) day to wash my car which should be the highlight of my day. It would appear some early bugs reached their demise on the front of my car at 100+ kph. It is hard to feel sorry for a bug.

It is still falling below zero degrees and night and seldom breaking 10 degrees. It appears someone forgot to tell Mother nature it is mid May. Bad year to spend money on a motorcycle but I suspect there may be some deals arriving.


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