Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sunday in the Big Mango

Today's song is: Alice's Restaurant  .. Guthrie

I am not sure how Bangkok gets it nick names. Either the City of Angels or the Big Mango, one seems a little positive and the other, a little negative. However, both are descriptive. The city of about 12,000,000 people has a huge number of beautiful women (angels) and at the same time is quite complex to navigate, the streets, the bars, the business, and the unwritten rules.

These unwritten rules means a city of 12,000,000 can get by without stops signs. It means that motorbikes can take to the sidewalks when the traffic gets congested, even though it is illegal. It means ladies can charge for their services although that too is illegal. It all seems to work and the rules are understood.

Lately, the government has been rounding up all the illegals and deporting them. In my eyes, I think this is great, because these illegals prey on tourists and make their livelihood illegally through drugs, ponzi schemes, human trafficking, extortion, etc.

In Thailand, illegals have no rights and IMHO should have no rights. After all, they entered the country illegally, or overstayed. For those of us who follow the rules all is good. I only wish Canada had the same rules.

The chaos on the streets is usually a result of idiotic youths riding too fast, while smoking and texting. Driving and drinking is also a huge problem. The unwritten rules for traffic work. Taxis get priority and 4 wheels look out for 2 wheels. The police are looking at instituting a demerit points system for traffic infractions but I am not optimistic that will be effective. However, it will generate jobs, but Thailand already has zero percent jobless. Everyone who wants a job has one.

The urban areas are very different from the rural areas and that is what cause difficulties for the government. It is hard to please both rural and urban voters and get reelected. This is perhaps one area where Thailand can learn from Canada. Regional disparity is something we have handled for years with some success.

But alas, 'You Can Not Always Get What You Want at Alice's Restaurant'  .. even in the Big Man


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