Not much going on in Bangkok these days as it is low season. Many of the A Team ladies have taken a month's holiday back in the village, visiting their children and getting reacquainted with their families. The number of Chinese tourists has also dropped and you see more farangs and Japanese in the bars and on the streets.
There have been a number of articles in the news this past week about human trafficking and the goal always seems to be to free the sex workers from their 50,000 baht a month salaries and send them back to work in a restaurant or 7/11 earning 9,000 a month. Most of these ladies and young men, or lady-boys say they can never go back to their minimum wage jobs.
There is a farang saying stating that, 'You can't take the bar out of the bar girl' and I guess we can now add, 'You can't take the girl out of the bar.' I often wonder if these NGO's actually talk to these workers. I understand the need to be concerned for the under age (20) workers but the over 20 year olds usually know what they are getting into and have made a rational decision, often after many failed situations. I hear stats such as their are 100,000 sex workers in Thailand but I would think most of these are in the second category.
The 3 kings are heading off for a week in Cambodia along with a couple of other expats to explore the expat life style in that country. Rumour has it, that is very much like Thailand in the 90's I will let you know when I get back.
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