Thursday, June 7, 2018


Today's song is: Dire Straits in Concert at Wembley Stadium

We three kings, Arthur, John and James are in need of a beer so we are meeting tonight  (Thursday) at Hillary 4 for a few beers. Sometimes you just crave guy company and want to chat about guy kind of things and also check to see how each of us are getting along with our Thai wives.

Hillary 4 has reduced their happy hour from 9 pm to 7 pm which I find annoying so instead of staying there for 2 or 3 beers, we will have one beer at happy hour prices and then move on for our second beer.  happy hour beers are 95 baht and non happy hour beers are 160 baht.

The best happy hours are on Soi Cowboy and usually last until 9 or 10 pm and some bars there have a drink of the night that is 99 baht all evening long. If a person makes judicious use of happy hours you can get pleasantly pissed and have a good night out under 1,000 baht.

It is low season and you would think the bars and ladies would drop prices to match the season but with Thai logic they usually want to charge more to make up the difference in traffic. Go figure. Some bars charge exorbitant rates for lady drinks, in the range of over 200 baht.  Now, if the ladies were truly fantastic in both looks and language I could understand that but that is not the case. These bars live off the one-time tourist, because the regular patrons know better than to purchase a lady drink. At this time of year you also experience the scam where the lady goes into the bar and comes out with a shot and a small soft drink glass. When you look at your bill a couple of hours later you find that you were getting charge 400 baht a round, 200 for the shot and 200 for the soft drink chaser. Beware of this scam and always tell the lady no doubles. Again this scam is usually run on the one-time tourist but the other day, a new girl pulled it on me and I am a regular at the bar and complained to the mamasan who immediately reversed the soft drink chaser and chastised the girl (albeit quietly) not too pull that stunt on regulars.

The last week Arthur and I were out on a Wednesday night and met a man from Iceland which is rather unusual and took him in tow to a few bars before we jettisoned him at the first opportunity. Simply a miserable excuse for a human being. He was not even proud of the fact that Iceland's football team made the World Cup whereas Canada and the US could not qualify. It sort of reinforced my assertion that 'If you can't have fun in Bangkok, then there is something seriously wrong with you!'

Tonight, Thavorn's friends are coming over for the requisite BBQ to celebrate her (Tacky's) Thai boyfriend's birthday. He is a typical young Thai man, who does not have a job, is not actively improving his job prospects, and seems unconcerned. I could not live that way.


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