Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Lighten Up

 Today's song is: Take a Load off Fanny .. The Band from Easy Rider - Peter Fonda RIP

Most things are just not that important to get your knickers in a knot. Some words of Wisdom:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr

It was the Summer of 69 and I was 19 and life was good. Life was also alot simpler. No cell phones or social media and Walter Cronkite delivered the Late Night News and Johnny Carson delivered the Tonight Show. American draft dodgers were arriving in Canada as American entered into its 2nd year of the Vietnam war. It was the year of Woodstock and The Band played there and hippies embraced free love. It was a time of awakening.

Contrast that with today and woke and cancel cultures, tick tock, and narcissist social media like facebook and instagram. Instead of A&W we have DoorDash. Instead of real facetime we have facetime and Zoom. Instead of real dates we have online dating. The Metaverse is coming soon, maybe that will be the end of Covid19, but just like iPhones, we may have a covid22.

I Don't Want a Pickle, I Just to Ride my Motorcycle.


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