Sunday, June 28, 2020

News Hound

Today's song is: Paint it Black .. Stones

Even before covid, I was a bit of a new's hound researching news around the world to keep myself informed.  It used to be that news anchors (think Walter Cronkite) reported the news and let the consumer decide what to make of it.

Today's anchors color the news with their own beliefs and their respective employers can be ranked on the political spectrum form left (liberal) to right (conservative). There is much talk on the media that the US has become a divided nation and I would argue that the media is much to blame.

I came across the following 2 charts that rank news media on their political biases. Five years ago I really liked CNN but not so much lately. Ditto for Fox News as it was the counter to CNN. I find both of them too far left and right respectively.  I now tend to watch US Today, the BBC, and CBS News (Cronkite's former employer). The reason being, they are more neutral in their opinion.

I believe that free speech is endangered as it is getting drummed out by universities and social media. If you dare say something that is politically incorrect, your life will be ruined. Universities, when they try to bring bring a speaker in that is not PC will find that the speaker is shut down by the protestors who do not that person's airs viewed or discussed intellectually.

People who have a high profile have lost their jobs through an ad hoc, off the cuff comment, off tape, but overheard. It seems our current PM Trudope is immune to this which perhaps shows how shallow these protestors can be when it comes to a pretty face.

History is now being rewritten by these protest groups and statues are being torn down and even Aunt Jemina is in the trash heap. The Boy Scouts are gone and the boy's hockey change room is no longer just for boys.

An interesting trend is for transgender (men to women) athletes being permitted to enter the female events and they are cleaning up at the expense of real females. It appears to me that the situation is out of control.

It is also not good to be white today as whites have white privilege and it is their fault. For quite a few years, white males have been denied jobs as society played catch up with quota systems for women and visible minorites in jobs, university admissions, etc. I am not saying this is a bad policy but you have to understand that the best person for the job may not get the job. Black people have argued for years thay they got overlooked by the color of their skin. Flipping that is not the answer.

Some people argue that education is the answer. I would argue that education is part of the problem. Educaion has become feminized. According to Stats Canada:

It appears that males are not really represented in education. Perhaps it is no wonder that many more males drop out of school and don't go on to college and university. One could argue if education is failing our youth then women are to blame as they are running the show.

The new Math curriculum in Ontario shows this influence. The last 10 years brought communication into the evaluation process in Mathematic. It was no longer good enough to get the right answer, but now you had to be able to explain to the whole class how you got that answer. 20% of your final mark was on communication. Now the province has added:

Social-emotional learning skills and mathematical processes

Social-emotional learning skills help students develop confidence, cope with challenges and think critically. This learning reflects current research and the government’s commitment to student well-being and skill-building to help students see themselves as capable and confident math learners.
Touchy feely stuff. I wonder where that came from.
In summary, the past, was far from perfect, but it was the past and is history. If we fail to learn from history, then history will tend to repeat itself. Removing history is not the answer. The answer is to discuss history in it's time and place and learn from it to apply what we have learned to this day and age.
Data plays a huge part in the process. Being objective and not subjective, and not jumping on the traditional media or social media band wagon is not the answer. It leads to a divided country and anarchy.

 is the state of a society being freely constituted without authorities or a governing body. It may also refer to a society or group of people that totally rejects a set hierarchy.


Friday, June 26, 2020

More of the Same

Today's song is: Kiss and Make up ... Dua and Black Pink

How You Like That .. Black Pink

Not too much in the way of posts these covid days as not much changes from day to day. canada is slowily opening up which is a good thing. Younger groups seem not too willing to isolate much longer.

My own observations is that traffic back on the road is normal, so Canadians are travelling, if not working. I still see signs all over the place advertsing for workers so I personally believe it is time to stop the handouts, especially for students who are the younger age group and seem not to be concerned with self isolating.

I am starting to visit family but they self isolate as do I so I believe it to be save.

No one in the rural area that I live in wear masks when visiting the food stores. In Canada it is the large cities, the old folk homes, and the returning snowbirds who mostly caught covid. The States are staring to experience a second wave of covid as they try to return to normal. It will be interesting if the Canadian government will let snowbirds flock south this coming winter.

We still eat too much and I also suspect we will see a rather large increase in the birth rate due to staying at home. Thavorn's older sister is already pregnant in Pangna, Thailand.

There is lots of programming for me to do as it is the school year end and reports to the Ministry of Education are due.  In one way, it is good, as it keeps me busy and engaged in a boring time period in my life.


Friday, June 12, 2020


Today's song is: Dance Monkey ... Tones

It was time to get out and buy a few groceries and it was a busy friday afternoon heading into the weekend. The unusual thing I noticed is that of the 8 cashiers, 6 were young males of high school age. This was something new.  Could it be that the older, previous cashiers were laid off temporarily and the younger males hired to replace them.

That seems a win win for everyone but the Canadian tax payer. The older workers can collect the $2,000 CERB, the younger workers get a summer job, and the grocery store gets to save on salaries. Could it be? I guess I won't be sure until the CERB disappears and the older, previous workers show up again.

It appears that Trudope has figured out the CERB is a problem and is trying to extracate himself from and claw back the money that was fraudently claimed by some Canadians.  However, the grocery cashier scheme would pass muster and would be hard to go after.

There are signs all over the place advertising jobs that need filling.  The CERB is free money for sitting at home and doing nothing. A good gig if you can get away with it.

Not much else going on and I believe it is time to get back to business, albeit with proper social distancing and face masks. I finally get a tooth looked after with a dentist appointment at the end of the month.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Games Room

Today's song is: The Times  .. They are a Changing Bruce not Bob

The games room is finally complete with the big screen install today.

I must admit that my pool game has not been stellar the past 2 days as Thavorn is 4 and 1 against me and she has played well.

I managed to get 6 local OTA (over the air) digital channels and that means free TV and local programming. Of course I have NetFlix, Amazon Prime Video, CBS ALL, and CBC Gems over the net so I have lots to watch. I still need to decide on a sports package but there are no sports, so no rush :-)

I have made contact with some former University football team members and we will have a zoom video this Friday. It should be fun to see how they have changed in 45 years.


Monday, June 1, 2020


Today's song is: We are the Champions ... Queen

Today was a banner day because it was June 1st and our pool table person could come and level and recover the pool table. All is good and the table plays well. The side rails are very lively and the pockets forgiving. I played my first house tournament against Jordan today and won 2 out of 3 so I am the Champion of the House ... at least for today.

Meanwhile, life goes on and we have more things to do in and around the house. Today the hot tub was wired up by the electrician so I suspect Jordan will be in it tomorrow.  It has been too cold to swim lately with  a high of 13 degrees today and 12 degrees yesterday. It is dropping down to 5 at night.  So much for global warming, covid rules.

I am busy at work writing a report engine and bringing the last two schoolboards uptodate with the latest version of our software whic is now in its 19th year of production.

Thavorn has been exercising twice a day now for the past two months and is in terrific shape.  I, not so good and need to lose about 10 pounds. Cheesies are my downfall.