Monday, November 13, 2017

Street Food

Today's song is: Top 2016 Pop  ... Good for Dancing Around the Kitchen  ...

There is an abundance of street food available in Bangkok and it is often cheaper than going to Big C and buying the food and cooking it yourself. All the vendors I know visit the market each morning and buy fresh for the day's cooking. I have never been sick after eating street food which is more than I can say about Paradise Island in Disney world or the 5 Star Marriott in Langkawi, Malaysia.

Here is an example of a rather large BBQ fish dusted with rock salt for 120 baht. I also added a dish of noodle soup (just add water) for 40 baht.

and my favorite beverage, a jug of Singha for 200 baht

at Country Road, Soi Cowboy with Thavorn, Jaidan, and Ploy


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